Fallout 4 america rising mod
Fallout 4 america rising mod

fallout 4 america rising mod fallout 4 america rising mod

Wait - an Important Question (removed, too small) Echo, an Unemployment Adventure (extremely underrated) The Kelly Manor Horror (gonna remove, just not very fun, too small) The UIF (i didn't have conflicts, but uninstalled because too many VERY OP npcs added all over the place ruined the game) Operation Wilkes Estate (never actually played this yet, but i've had it installed for a LONG time and it hasn't broken anything simply by being installed) Operation Manhattan (removed, nice but too small) Maxwell's World (requires console every now and then, but no conflicts)

fallout 4 america rising mod

Tales from the Commonwealth and Atomic Radio The Secret of Huntress Manor (underrated) Depravity (haven't completed a run with this yet, but so far no conflicts at all) The Machine and Her (love it, but also might remove for being too small with companion that's TOO STRONG) Vault 1080 (might remove simply for being too small) Here's my current list - and so far i've found no incompatibilities between any of these.Īs for load order - just LOOT it, but this my own load order: I dunno if you're gonna find someone who's tried as many quest mods as me. I'm always looking to add new quests to my game, too. Any advice or recommendations is welcome.Įdited by ScottyDoesKnow, 06 December 2019 - 03:34 AM. and just add new quests and story to experience. I prefer mods that don't add tons of weapons/armor/etc. I could always just grab all the most endorsed mods, but I've heard that Combat Zone Restored is buggy and can cause problems and I worry about compatibility between all these content mods. I'll probably also try We Are The Minutemen to make them suck less. I checked out the Quests and Adventures category and sorted by endorsements, and these seem interesting too: Here are the ones that I'm looking at so far:Ītomic Radio and Tales from the Commonwealth There are a few that caught my eye, but I'm looking for some recommendations (hopefully that work together). I'm looking to start a new playthrough and add as many quest/content mods that I can.

Fallout 4 america rising mod